글로벌 자기장 상쇄기중 유일하게 nTp-p단위까지 Display 및 Control할 수 있는 Spicer Consulting제품으로
      0.1s Response Time 및 0.001nT Accuracy를 갖고 있는 최고 성능의 EMI Canceller System
EMI AC Cancellation System: SC22 EMI AC/DC Cancellation System: SC24
SC22 Product Highlights

-Low cost, high performance system
-Automated set up with an intelligent user interface
-Cancels AC fields from 2.5Hz to 5kHz, 50 x field improvement at 60Hz
-Full 3 axis (X, Y, Z) system, Up to 60mG (6.0 μT) pk-pk range
-Adapts to field changes within 100 μs
-Supports dual sensors for TEMs and high gradient fields
SC24 Product Highlights

-Use AC sensors for cancelling 50/60Hz AC line fields or DC sensors for cancelling tram and train DC fields and 50/60Hz
-Simultaneous AC&DC field display with choice of Tesla or Gauss units
-Mixes dual sensors to create virtual sensor “inside” the EM column
-Adapts to field changes within 100μs
-Touch screen intelligent user interface with automatic setup & DC reset
-Ethernet and USB ports for remote operation and monitoring
-Built-in test field generator

SC22 SC24 Catalog Romote Control SW

EMI Canceller설치보고서1 EMI Canceller설치보고서2

경기도 화성시 동탄기흥로560, 14층 1402~3호
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